Recent content by .2b

  1. .2b

    Accepted Silence Appeal I recently had been using a friend's PC to play TF2 and our binds seem to have gotten mixed up. Whilst I was playing earlier today, my finger slipped and hit my friend's bind, causing it to display the NSFW message in the chat. I immediately...
  2. .2b

    Resolved For some reason a tag i bought is gone, i no longer can equip it

    The same thing happened to my Slut tag, but it does come back on its own after a while! Damn WonderLand and disrespecting sluts..
  3. .2b

    Guess the song

    I was looking at this for about 20 minutes earlier today, and I could only get the first pair of emojis.. Anyway, if anyone cleverer than me (basically everyone) else wants to try this, the first one is "I swear" You're welcome for the head start~!
  4. .2b

    Hey, How'd You Get Your Username(s)?

    My username is just my actual name :katuwaa:
  5. .2b

    You Are Allowed One Free Item, What Do You Choose?

    Strange Unusual Warhawk Rocket Launcher (Factory New) The reason being is that it's the highest valued item in the entire game (~10,000 Keys) Therefore I would then sell it for PayPal cash and be ~£16,000 better off
  6. .2b

    #demotemomy #backtomod

    Mom is precious~! +1
  7. .2b

    Heyo, I'm new. Nice to meet ya'll!

    Welcome~! :kathiya:
  8. .2b

    I’m new

    Welcome to the Forums~! :katlove2:
  9. .2b

    What is your favorite game(s)?

    Team Fortress 2 Not for the Lenny Bind Spam or the Low Resolution Porn Sprays, but for the friends I made when playing it~
  10. .2b

    Chrome or Firefox?

  11. .2b

    Favorite Food?

    Ramen. I don't care what brand or flavour it is! If it's Ramen, I love it~
  12. .2b

    How long do you think this coronavirus Would last for?

    In a sense of when the Virus is going to peak, I would say ~3 Months. If you're talking about when the Virus is going to be eradicated, then I would say ~1.25 Years.
  13. .2b

    Combine your username with the person above you

  14. .2b

    Combine your username with the person above you
