Recent content by Conga

  1. Conga

    congamap is officially complete Just thought i'd let you know If you do play it and find any errors or glitches I didn't then feel free to report them here or on gamebanana and i'll release a fix for them in batches No I didn't think of a name for it so now it's stuck like this.
  2. Conga

    These are the inhumane thoughts spy was thinking of

    These are the inhumane thoughts spy was thinking of
  3. Conga

    TF2 Ready Steady Pan Season 5

    "Classes that cannot equip the pan are banned, i.e. Engineer and Spy " Well, what if they have a golden pan~?
  4. Conga

    Finally got 1000 hours on this game.

    Welcome to the real playtime hours now, rookie
  5. Conga

    Random zombiemod map

    Ah, sorry, I was talking about zombiemod But alright, thankyou~
  6. Conga

    Random zombiemod map

    I've been thinking of making my own. Are there any custom entities or logic i'd need before I begin~?
  7. Conga

    Why is it so hard to do **anything**

    My conclusion to your story there Flute is to lie to people that there's something good on the otherside of the finish line to motivate them to get there, and when they go past it and don't find anything, tell them you actually meant a different finish line further along.
  8. Conga

    Updated version of minecraftworld_a7

    If you have any problems I could likely look through what you've done in the vmf and try to fix it for you Leaks can cause fullbright and it generally looks bad to have no lighting, I don't know why you would delete the original enviroment light either tbh when you could just edit it but i'm...
  9. Conga

    Random zombiemod map

    When I saw the title "random zombiemod map" I thought it was going to be randomly generated each time you play. This however is great too, though~
  10. Conga

    TF2 High Graphic Settings just to make your game look better :)

    "cl_ragdoll_fade_time "9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999" " demo_laugh.mp3 They take so long to despawn, when you exit the game they're still on your screen. Sounds like the beginning of a creepypasta or something~
  11. Conga

    Any Of You Guys Like To Play Deathrun In Tf2, Or Is It Just Me?

    I think it can be really nice but needs to have more than "x pressed trap, y dies now" as mechanics. A li'l innovation can go a very long way to making a map more interesting and replayable~
  12. Conga

    Starting up a new Map

    It's been a while since i've posted here since i've done a lot of my progress updates on steam forums so let me give a quick overview for what i've done, most of it can be seen in the history room i've been working on this whole time but let me shorten it for you in no particular order other...
  13. Conga

    Starting up a new Map

    So, i'm starting up a new TF2 map and I'm taking a lot of inspiration from both the old mario kart maps and those specific weird, unusual bizzare ones where the whole thing was just one user's injokes and the whole map was this strange amalgamation, difficult to understand outside of a certain...
  14. Conga

    Another Giveaway!

    Please tell me what you think about Crossbows as a Religion in Minecraft SMP Also please tell me how I can get more people in to my Crossbow Church
  15. Conga

    Jailbreak pet peeves?

    Oh, well, that's really misleading and confusing to be fair and I imagine with people who play on a lot of prison servers would feel like it's a 50/50 gamble on whether the warden/server wants the warden to say that first or not.