Recent content by KayZee

  1. KayZee

    Accepted Round 4? unmute/ungag appeal

    Round 4? 4th time appealing in a course of a year 1.) Include your ban profile link: idk if i did 2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned: I got warned multiple times by the staff for micspamming, spam, and toxicity to now where I am perm gagged and perm muted to this day 3.)...
  2. KayZee

    Has anyone ever gotten that feeling when you're waiting for something to get denied/accepted?

    3 days for my perm mute appeal
  3. KayZee

    Declined Requesting unmute.

    what also changed is my behavior and i promise i wont do it again kk
  4. KayZee

    Happy thanksgiving!

    Well, I celebrate thanksgiving but not with a turkey cus that is actually nasty af. So yea, just like any thanksgiving, eat food and not forget how wonderful it tastes
  5. KayZee

    Declined Requesting unmute.

    what changed, that I was gonna hop onto SG gaming or blackwonder, but then I felt really bored and decided go back to, and it felt kind of threatening.
  6. KayZee

    Declined Requesting unmute.

    I've appealed in the past now Explain what happened / why you have been banned: Even though, I did other things like ghosting, toxicity, etc. The punishment I got which lead to this appeal was me getting perm muted after the countless warnings I got from mods and admins. Tell us why we should...
  7. KayZee

    Declined Appeal for my mute since I've been muted for around 3 months now since my last ban

    This will probably be the last time I actually appeal since I already appealed once but that I got instantly declined, so if this gets declined again, I will just hop onto SG-GAMING or blackwonder. I've been banned for basically mic - spamming a lot, not much else really, I've mic spammed so...
  8. KayZee

    Declined Unmute me please

    2. I mic spammed time to time again and i got various mutes for different times, i got muted for a week once on this server and when i mic spammed like on sunday i got P E R M muted 3. Unmute me please because i like to talking to other people on the internet and i really like going blu team to...
  9. KayZee

    So How’s School Going For You Guy?

    life isn't wonder well to me
  10. KayZee

    So How’s School Going For You Guy?

    gamerbro, ez subject is gym cus all u gotta do is literally just dress out and F L E X those muscles did i mention fuck all the other subjects cus i have advanced subjects (honors science is annoying af in high school eve tho i am big squeaker) also highschool pretty fun when u get used to it k...