Recent content by Kopsi

  1. Kopsi

    Haven't Been on TF2 for a couple of years what has changed?

    sounds about right
  2. Kopsi

    ask me anything

    what would you do if today was your last day one earth?
  3. Kopsi

    Haven't Been on TF2 for a couple of years what has changed?

    Pretty simple question tbh. Was a member of the servers for a while just wondering how everyone has been/what has changed. Also wondering if anyone I used to play with is still here.
  4. Kopsi

    Resolved Help!! I'm stupid Vip perks on the forums and discord.

    I donated a couple months ago and I was wondering how I use the forum related perks ($40 donation btw). Also, I was wondering how I could get the role on the discord (I am also wondering if I could get the veteran role as well. No one knows me but I have been here since 2017). Thanks
  5. Kopsi

    whats up

    Welcome : )
  6. Kopsi


  7. Kopsi

    le new noob

  8. Kopsi

    Rate the music above you

    8/10 Reminds me of my childhood : )
  9. Kopsi


  10. Kopsi


  11. Kopsi

    Hello i am new

    Hi : )
  12. Kopsi


  13. Kopsi

    Not new to the server, just this forum.

    Welcome to the forums
  14. Kopsi

    Make a guess about the person above you

    Dislikes people who play the piano
  15. Kopsi

    coming out

    : )