Recent content by Kruthal

  1. Kruthal

    Technical Resolved Airshotting points bug

    Will be fixed on the next changelogs. Thanks for reporting!
  2. Kruthal

    Technical Resolved you banned me for no reason

    There was a bug with RTD where certain perks made you invisible. It was fixed ->
  3. Kruthal

    TF2 In-game Statistics enters beta!

    It was a bug and will be fixed on the next changelogs. Thanks for reporting!
  4. Kruthal

    TF2 Store chat tag suggestions

    These could be paired with statistics system. Ex: having 100 rebel kills on jailbreak servers would give you Rebeller tag, etc
  5. Kruthal

    TF2 Suggest RTD effects here!

    This would be pretty similar to monochromia and would only serve a different color. Sounds neat. I'll add it TODO. What if skeletons die while the perk is still applied? Then the whole waiting for perk to end is waste of time, because it serves no purpose other than just spawning few skeletons.
  6. Kruthal

    TF2 Suggest RTD effects here!

    Ammo strip - strip to melee already removes all your ammo and forces you on melee Vulnerable - low health/weakend already provide that I've noted all the others 👍
  7. Kruthal

    Accepted Pluggins
  8. Kruthal

    TF2 Suggest RTD effects here!

    Added 2 new effects that are listed on the changelogs: Microscope (Suggested by someone whose account no longer exists) Giant (Suggested by @YourAverageYarub)
  9. Kruthal

    Invalid Technical Can I have the 500k credit refund?

    Closed due to no response. Feel free to open new thread, if this issue persists.
  10. Kruthal

    Invalid Technical cant swap spy revolver

    Closed due to no response. Feel free to open new thread, if this issue persists.
  11. Kruthal

    Fat Scout Shootout Tournament!!!!

  12. Kruthal

    Hunger Games X: Oats Goes to Hell.

    I hope madi doesn't try to poison me this time
  13. Kruthal

    Uber's 3rd Owner Application.
