Recent content by MissMaye

  1. MissMaye

    Ripping a page out of Nixx and Wipeout's book

    you shouldnt rip pages out of books you knob
  2. MissMaye

    nice icon i wonder who made the edit

    nice icon i wonder who made the edit
  3. MissMaye

    Declined more game modes for servers?

    We have servers on wln for all stock gamemodes, and for several custom gamemodes. Stock maps are hosted on wln, as well as custom maps. Payload, cp, koth, surf, jailbreak, (dodgeball at one point) idle servers, orange maps, ect ect. If you join the wln discord (linked here) and head over to the...
  4. MissMaye

    ask me anythn ples

    nice thread
  5. MissMaye

    ask me anythn ples

    the voices should compel you to close thread
  6. MissMaye


  7. MissMaye

    TF2 plugin in the tf2 chat for racism

    code it yourself then it'll get somewhere
  8. MissMaye

    Ban Poopy Joe

  9. MissMaye

    Accepted Jailbreak Make Simple English Trivia Allowed

    language barrier still exists, even if everyone spoke english, not everyone will be able to speak it to this level, hence what we have
  10. MissMaye

    Accepted Jailbreak Make Simple English Trivia Allowed

    anyway we dont need simple english trivia, what we have is fine and everyone knows them anyway
  11. MissMaye

    Jailbreak Rule update: list of days/orders that lead to kill orders

    If you think you're going to do box game in a round maybe don't pick soldier or heavy and problem is solved. You can *midair* uncrouch and crouch again upon landing. I get the feeling you're the type of person who binds +duck to a key and cant see the alternative everyone else does, where you...
  12. MissMaye

    Jailbreak Remove "Time spent alive" feature of the Guardban

    And in the case of accidents and maturing, the punishment helps remind them what they did and what not to do to have the same thing happen in future. Having no idea is less of an excuse, the rules are easy to access here on the forums, in the discord if asked, even in game. I'm afraid there's...
  13. MissMaye

    Jailbreak Remove "Time spent alive" feature of the Guardban

    Having the punishment set as time spent ingame rather than passively avoiding playing until it expires is what is seen as the most worthwhile punishment there is. After all, break rule, get punished. no better way than to force them to see what they should have been doing in the first place to...
  14. MissMaye

    Kek's Resignation AMA

    shit only have crystal pepsi nvm