Recent content by Panskii

  1. Panskii

    Doom 1 and 2

    A doom map am working on
  2. Panskii

    What's the hardest game that you played?

    I think you where right the first time Coronarena.
  3. Panskii

    Doom 1 and 2

    Am a fan of doom and a fan of this site so why on combine the two. This is a place just to talk about all things doom maps and the like.
  4. Panskii

    The bestie owner of them all.

    The bestie owner of them all.
  5. Panskii

    What's the hardest game that you played?

    Try to get little rocket man in half-life ep.2 You have to take a gnome you find at the start and take it to the end.
  6. Panskii


    Welcome Welcome it's chill here I hope you like like it
  7. Panskii

    Are you a old school fps gamer or a new school fps gamer.

    A lot more old school's then I would have though am glad where not a dying breed.
  8. Panskii

    Are you a old school fps gamer or a new school fps gamer.

    Now this is weird for me because I played new school games like cs:go first but I never really found my footing with fps till I beat doom I prefer older fps the newest I really like would be Borderlands 2. So I'd am a Old school fps kind of guy. What about you?
  9. Panskii

    What's the hardest game that you played?

    Postal 2 Friday.
  10. Panskii

    Am Fan Diddly Tastic always.

    Am Fan Diddly Tastic always.
  11. Panskii

    What are you currently worried about?

  12. Panskii

    TF2 Im new here

    Can't wait to met you.
  13. Panskii

    My Introduction

    Well not cash, but like goats you can have a few free goats from us
  14. Panskii

    My Introduction

    This is a much better intro then the one I made have fun.-Pan
  15. Panskii

    TF2 Team Fortress 2 Update Released

    Updated localization files The next big update am calling it days of build up and the only thing they add Updated localization files