Recent content by sirduggzy

  1. sirduggzy

    make cha cha slide a legal day

    make cha cha slide a legal day
  2. sirduggzy

    Accepted i wanna be unguardbanned

    ofc not that long afking is a bit of a pain regardless of who you are especially when you have to be alive to be unguardbanned, i really enjoy playing and not being able to play the other part of the game is kinda sad
  3. sirduggzy

    Accepted i wanna be unguardbanned

    i mass freekilled at one point ( first guard ban i believe or second) and its been near enough to 2 weeks since i got guard banned, would like to be un guard banned but i'm usually busy so its annoying waiting the timer out, so it would be appreciated if i got un guard banned thanks