Recent content by Tea

  1. Tea

    TF2 Unusual Giveaway! ...again

    i have shit luck
  2. Tea

    Giving Away Two Unusuals

    It's so important to do something every day that will make you happy. - Bob Ross
  3. Tea

    Giveaway competition!

  4. Tea

    Giveaway competition!

    I'm not that skilled thanks Bye
  5. Tea

    Wonderland's Got Talent!

    I can micspam
  6. Tea

    Half Life 2.

    I have it, and I played it once. It isn't that epic but, it's still enjoyable. 1582214144 abh intensifies
  7. Tea

    Half Life 2.

    What do you think about this game? I get a lot of goosebumps when I play the game. It's just the best game created in the world. My most favorite part about is the combine itself. Their weapons and their so called 'synths', I just can't stop thinking bout it.
  8. Tea

    you aswell :kappa:

    you aswell :kappa:
  9. Tea

    You're awesome, honestly. You're literally the first one to respond to forums :yay:

    You're awesome, honestly. You're literally the first one to respond to forums :yay:
  10. Tea

    Your opinion on Iraq and USA?

    They aren't rampaging atm, coronavirus is taking the spot. But if USA and Iraq would really make it a WW3, what would your mind think about it?
  11. Tea

    Do wholesome to the person above

    Hug No homo :smart:
  12. Tea


  13. Tea

    Logan Paul

    What do you think about Logan Paul? Is he that kind of an annoying person? In my opinion, he is too childish for his age. Honestly.
  14. Tea

    Discord Discord Event Suggestions

    Adding onto that, not only staff can be judges