Recent content by Walnuts

  1. Walnuts

    Declined Banned because i told NSFW stories.
  2. Walnuts


  3. Walnuts

    Resolved VIP abuse

    The user you have reported has been punished, thank you for your report. Resolved
  4. Walnuts

    Declined very sorry for what i did and i apologize

    Your punishment record is extensive, much of which is related to toxicity. If this was your first offence I would've been more lenient, but there is no evidence to say that you would stop this behavior if I did unban you. Due to this I will not unban you, your punishment will remain. Appeal...
  5. Walnuts

    Declined Appeal For 1 day ban

    Appeal Declined; you had already received a warning for abusing VIP votes on the 1st of February, before the current punishment was issued. This is ban is already at the minimum time. The punishment will not be altered and will remain for 24 hours.
  6. Walnuts

    Declined dave's 1 wk ban appeal

    Due to your past history with player disrespect and hate speech your ban will not be revoked. This issued ban if for 1 week and will not be changed, but keep in mind any future ban will be permanent, as warned. Please be careful of what you say on out servers, we understand that you may not...
  7. Walnuts

    Invalid Ban Appeal for my friend

    You are not allowed to appeal of other users. Although you state that your friend cannot post here; if your friend is forum banned your friend can direct message me on discord for this appeal. Thank you for your understanding.
  8. Walnuts

    I have questions

    Seeing new, mature, staff members under the age is not common. I can say from experience that I was not ready to become a staff member at the age that I was, although you have to start somewhere. Despite this, many great staff members have joined before they reached the age of 16. Due to this...
  9. Walnuts

    Invalid Ban by sniping

    I assume you are referencing this punishment from As is not associated with BlackWonder no action will be taken. To clarify you have no punishments under
  10. Walnuts

    Yooo Yooo Yooo

  11. Walnuts

    Accepted S_10 Perm ban appeal

    After some investigation I have concluded that you are most likely innocent, despite the fact that your alt account has been banned on many different communities. Although non of these bans are cheating related. Since this is the case I will go ahead and unban you. You have since turned off...
  12. Walnuts

    Accepted Permbanned again.

    Appeal Accepted; thank you for your patience.
  13. Walnuts

    Accepted S_10 Perm ban appeal

    These accounts were connected to your IP address, what is your relation to these accounts: Failure to respond within 48 hours will result in the denial of your appeal