Recent content by Woyo

  1. Woyo

    TF2 Toxic staff

    Still waiting for a response 1661569849 What is your excuse for all of this?
  2. Woyo

    TF2 Toxic staff

    As I just said the staff was witnessing everything and did nothing about the pure toxicity of this intentionally starting a problem for no reason. Hes against LGBTQ and I am not as he specifically tried to insult me for being gay earlier on. It is unjustifiable how he didn't warn anything as he...
  3. Woyo

    TF2 Toxic staff

    SteamID / STEAM profile of the player: Sugarstar, a staff of wonderland Date of incident: 25th of august Server name / IP: trade plaza 2 Proof of evidence in form of: the staff himself can tell you im 100% sure TF2 demo / video recording screenshots Explain what happened & include as much...
  4. Woyo

    I need to be unmuted as its been several days

    Ended up rejoining several times, checking gain, mic was already defaulted correctly. Ended up being some kind of glitch as after I joined the 4th time one after the other it came through the other end. I know it wasnt me because before I got yeeted a few days ago it stopped working 20 minutes...
  5. Woyo

    I need to be unmuted as its been several days

    EVERYONE says they cant hear me when I talk in vc on the trade plaza 2 server... and its only in that server.
  6. Woyo

    I need to be unmuted as its been several days

    Did I say I was still banned? I said I was still m u t e d. Read the title name. 1659566315 Did I say I was still banned? I said I was still m u t e d. Read the title name.
  7. Woyo

    I need to be unmuted as its been several days

    I am muted in vc because several days ago I got a 24 hour ban for "transphobia" for talking shit back to trash talkers and this one in particular in text chat because you know bias and whoever reports first gets believed and the other doesnt under any circumstance or maybe I was dealing with a...
  8. Woyo

    Declined Falsely banned for "transphobia"

    Those are from a few people in chat that were being toxic so I said those things, the one from recently I did to get one of the guys off of me today which said "I agree with you" but he gets no punishment. So fair. And the costco guy was a generic text that people talk sh*t of all the time for...
  9. Woyo

    Declined Falsely banned for "transphobia"

    2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned: Some guy was being toxic and asked if I supported trans rights I said no everyone should have the same rights there shouldnt be such thing as "prefix" rights for anyone as everyone falls under the amendments and is not restricted to specific...