
  1. Ginglemört

    Minecraft Skins

    Put yo coolest Minecraft skins in hereI made these btw...
  2. NotSimmonds

    TF2 minecraftworld_a20

    Prologue So here I am, on my bed, twiddling my thumbs thinking "how am I gonna find another creative way to waste my time??" And then it hit me "Hey you shmoop, why don't you update that one minecraft map everyone plays" And I've gotta say, I'm just as impressed as I am depressed that I...
  3. Xypher

    TF2 Out of memory on your fav server/map?

    While this mostly happens on certain maps, this is not a 100% guaranteed fix as it might happen again, it might as well be your video settings causing this. Head over to your Team Fortress 2 directory and delete the following files; Team Fortress 2\tf\sound\sound.cache Team Fortress...
  4. MissMaye

    How to use the MC server shop - a useful guide

    You've seen /warp shop advertised to you at spawn, so you type that in chat and get directed to it. Neat! There's a bunch of stuff there you might want. Maybe more things in future? So you go to try to interact with the store, and you cant get a menu to pop up? Here's the solution. 1) Have an...
  5. sniperstyx

    Updated version of minecraftworld_a7

    So a few weeks ago i started worrying about the bugs in the original Minecraft world map, originally made by Kulma, so i took the map and edited some things in the map. The first thing i did is repair the bugs and anything else, then starting building more ideas about the spare lands that Kulma...
  6. T

    Resolved Aimbot hacker

    Hacker found on server: SteamID / STEAM profile of the player: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198960340704/ Player name: yakme Date of incident: 01/05/19 (european date) Server name / IP: Proof of evidence in form of: video (i apologize for the shitty frames, my...