
  1. Xypher

    Updated forums

    We’ve updated the core forum software & the UI! Things should overall feel much smoother now, and the website should be much more mobile-friendly. A lot of bugs were squashed and chomped on, and various additions have been added in. If you find any bugs, have any suggestions, or would like...
  2. RangerValichian

    TF2 Idea For New Map On Trade Plaza

    Me and a couple other people are getting bored of the same old trade plaza v2 and that map is very old and outdated so we want to update trade plaza I don't know how many people who actually play on that server a lot and have an account on here but I sure do so we want to update it well what...
  3. Mr. Rampage

    JB soviet translation update (bad news)

    Hey so, long time no see. I would like to say that things are going well but they are unfortunately not. In order to edit the map I need the entire map. When you download the jb.sovet map like everyone else you get about 90% of it. Framework, trigger boxes, camera shots, spawn areas, etc...