Accepted Got perma banned again for "harrassing" reporter outside of game

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Nov 24, 2021
1.) Include your ban profile link, if applicable:

2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned:
I got banned for jokingly saying saying i would find someones ip and it was perma. I appealed it because me taking a joke was too far but not far enough for a perma ban and got it down to a 1 month ban which i deserved. But then i got perma banned again for "harrassing" the reporter outside of game. I never personally reached out to my reporter or said anything about them. The 2nd perma ban was issued at
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When i only talked to them after they called me a "homophobe" and "transphobe" for when i was calling people gay as a joke and told them that i was a joke when they asked if i had a problem with it or something. And the "telling people to die" was me just saying "You should kill yourself. NOW." which is the LowTierGod meme.
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I got muted for a while for the things they are saying and stopped telling people to "Kill yourself.NOW." or calling them gay after that. I just said "kick yourself" and only to my friends who understand the joke unlike randoms who don't.
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What can be seen as "harrassment" here is me saying "stop making yourself look stupid-" which indicates that i didn't see them as stupid which means that i wasn't harrassing them. Even if it looks like harrasment i never intented to harrass them.
Besides,the harrassment ban was issued way before they even commented on my profile. Meaning that this is a false ban. I never went reached out to them outside of game. They made first contact calling me things i wasn't. And if there is "proof" they sent that shows me as harrassing them outside of game besides my profile comments than it's either fake or impersonation.
3.) Tell us why we should unban you:
Even if the profile comments was the thing seen as harrassment,I never intended to harrass the person i was just answering their misaccusation. If i wanted to harrass someone i would say it to their face. I was just protecting myself in my own profile's comments and didn't mean any harrassment. I don't deserve a perma ban. I'm simply asking to be the same thing as before "banned for a month,expires on 28th of May" since i was first banned of 28th of april.
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And if there is any proof that is not my profile comments that show me harrassing the person i would like to see said proof and tell you that it's not me because i only talked to this person on my profile outside of game and nowhere else.
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Nov 24, 2021
I have come to the conclusion that the times on this site and my real life time have a 1 hour difference for some reason so i'm concluding that the my profile comments was the thing that got seen as "harrassment" which i never intended or said anything that could be seen as actual harrassment.
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Nov 24, 2021
I have come to the conclusion that the times on this site and my real life time have a 1 hour difference for some reason so i'm concluding that the my profile comments was the thing that got seen as "harrassment" which i never intended or said anything that could be seen as actual harrassment.
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Not should* why isn't there an edit button- Ignore the last "should*" message.
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