Topic of Suicide


Forum Extremist
Nov 11, 2018
Suicide is something that is really horrible, and it affects everyone around us if it's a close one/friend.

When I was younger, my older sister said things that are like "I wanna kill myself", but now she is doing better.

Back in March, I tried to commit suicide because I just felt like nothing helped me, I was getting bullied a bit by someone, and I thought that the way to end it, is to just take my own life and spare life.

I do feel better now, although I do have suicidal thoughts still a bit.
  • Sad
Reactions: Kyo and yoyo


★ Donor ★
Apr 22, 2018
It would kill me inside if you ever committed suicide. Because if you're gone, you won't be able to help others like you always do. People like you, sand, remind me of the good part of humanity. You are always so kind and caring to others.

I hope you keep on feeling better man. You deserve so much happiness -- you really do.
Take care my friend. we love you


Forum Extremist
Feb 25, 2019
Suicide is a difficult thing. it's a pathetic way out that leaves all your relationships, family and friends, in tatters.
Remember, there are always trustworthy peolpe you can talk to if you need help. There are also professionals that are trained to help.
I have second-hand experience with this, my ex-GF was depressed and suicidal. It's a tough thing, you need to find someone close and try to open up to them. According to her, me being there all the time did help with her condition.


Honorary Member ★
Jan 18, 2020
Me and other people were very worried about your mental health.

Attempting to suicide is a bad choice for you to do it, it's a Devil's choice and I can stop thinking about you and your mental health, you have alot of years to experience everything you want.

As gibus said,
there are always trustworthy peolpe you can talk to if you need help. There are also professionals that are trained to help.

If you want to talk to us, please chat with us,
you don't have to be afraid to talk to us about your mental health, we're always open and always here for you.


Dec 7, 2019
When I was younger 10-8 years old I was getting bullied a lot, and I started complaigning about how my parents should change my school, they didn't so I thought of killing myself because life is horrible, I didn't I was advised to talk about it to a doctor, I got better now, also about the bully, I cracked his noise with a punch right in the face a month ago (I got suspended for 15 days but it doesn't matter because school year is cancel) also fuck school.