You know what will happen (:


Actually a demon
Senior Admin ★★
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Jun 26, 2019
Czech Republic
Well the obvious thing to say is my body, but to say the truth one thing I hate a bit more are temperatures above 23°C (73°F).
Ahem sooooooooooooooo. Around in like 5th grade we had a talent show and the dumb me singed up for it. And you can kinda guess how it went. I did one of the most basic thing I could, magic tricks. And it was horrible (or at least thats what my young self thought). After faiing most of my performenc (like 40% of it) I ran outside crying for some reason, even though the judges I think didnt like give me bad score. At this day I just laugh at it when I remember.
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To live with you.
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Actually a demon
Senior Admin ★★
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★ Donor ★
Jun 26, 2019
Czech Republic
Coffee. Too much coffee.

Well for girl BFF, since Sadie is my gf I think my BFF is a girl from 9th grade, I talk to her quite often, and shes a bit wierd but still quite cool.
And guy BFF is a dude I met this school semester. Hes nice to talk to, and is kinda funny.

(pls don't answer with 'spiders')
Biggest fear would be 1st - not enough coffee, 2nd - I mean I do not like spiders.

I still have my first kiss.

I havent mesured in a while, but I sohuld be around 173 - 175 cm (idk if I converted it right but I sohuld be like 5 ft 8 in or 5 ft 9 in).

ngl i really want to know 1..
So my real name is actually Nikola (not saying my surname of course). Thats why Im using Niki. (Also idk if this name is used in the US at all but its quite common in Czech Republic)