Recent content by BananAsriel

  1. BananAsriel

    Cheapest game that u played in your life? (don't count the f2p ones)

    it was like 3 in the morning, i had less than a dollar in my paypal. i went from watching a video to buying the entire Zork collection for exactly 50 cents on gog galaxy
  2. BananAsriel

    What's the most expensive game on Steam that u know/played?

    Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown costs a total-ish of $130 if you buy the deluxe edition, the battle pass and the dlc playable content. I have never played but have been wanting to as ive loved the series for a good while, more than $100 is notoriously expensive for a game about air combat
  3. BananAsriel

    Need Evidence Cheater

    if it helps to speed up the process, although is a minor detail i disregarded when i made the report, i had an interaction through text chat on the AUS trade plaza server hours previous to the post time of this report, the reported player admitted to the account ban and excused it with "it was...
  4. BananAsriel

    Need Evidence Cheater

    SteamID / STEAM profile of the player: Player name: Noctis Date of incident: 14 / 10 / 2020 | 1:00 - 3:00 Am CST Server name / IP: AUS Trade server - Proof of evidence in form of: I do not hold video evidence, or any form of...