Recent content by chicken

  1. chicken

    Accepted Permanent Ban V3

    I was an extremely arrogant person and I did not believe I would get caught. I've reflected on the whole situation in the time since my ban and used it to grow as a person/player.
  2. chicken

    Accepted Permanent Ban V3

    Previous two appeals Everything stated in the first two appeals is still applicable. It's been a little over eight months since the ban was handed out. In my opinion...
  3. chicken

    Declined Second Permanent Ban Appeal

    Previous Appeal: Continuation of a ban appeal from 8/13/20 . Everything stated in the previous appeal is still applicable. In hindsight appealing a permanent ban 2 days after it was issued was pretty tone deaf on my part. I acknowledge...
  4. chicken

    Declined Permanent Ban Appeal

    Explain what happened / why you have been banned: Used the account to circumvent a 1 week ban for racism/staff disrespect Tell us why we should unban you: I have no issue regarding the original 1 week ban. Regarding the permanent ban, I'm...