Recent content by FoxyDeity

  1. FoxyDeity


  2. FoxyDeity

    Sorry i've not been around!!!!

    Hello! Its your friendly neighborhood Christmas Pyro! Reasons for my disappearance: 1. The time following Christmas I was with my girlfriend and her family, so I didn't have much time to play! 2. I just started a new job, which has been a headache, I've already had to talk with corporate...
  3. FoxyDeity

    My festive fish's model broke

  4. FoxyDeity

    My festive fish's model broke

    Well this is fun
  5. FoxyDeity


    I Usually hang out on trade plaza 2, but I enjoy surfing as well. I'm going be trying out other servers as well!
  6. FoxyDeity

    Eight's Holiday Season Giveaway 2019

    My new years resolution is to continue to lose the weight I've gained since my cholecystectomy. I have changed my eating habits and started exercising and have lost 40 pounds so far. My favorite memory is actually from last night, getting both teams full of snipers to not kill "the Christmas...
  7. FoxyDeity


    I've been playing on wonderland for a little bit now. I go by a few names, FoxyDeity, Foxy, Anthony, The Christmas Pyro, etc. I'm excited meet you all!