Recent content by jQueary1991

  1. jQueary1991

    Declined Ban Appeal

    I didn't mention that I downloaded aimbot. I downloaded wallhacks for CSGO that were using command prompt console. I guess I agree from your standpoint. But I wouldn't even go near at injecting shit to my TF2 since my inventory holds value. Getting a VAC on TF2 blacklists your inventory as well...
  2. jQueary1991

    Declined Ban Appeal

    The VAC, back in 2014, I was a salty peanut man, my dumb ass decided to download some hacks for CSGO from some bootleg website. Was a complete dummy. Took a break from TF2, was thinking I'd come back and continue trading and to generally play.
  3. jQueary1991

    Declined Ban Appeal

    1.) Include your ban profile link: 2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned. All I remember is me fucking up an administrator in sniper combat, apparently, I was "hacking" therefore he banned...