Recent content by Marcello

  1. Marcello

    Accepted iso appeal and auto ban for leaving and rejoining in iso

    1.) Discord username: Mez#8358 2.) What happened?: I think what I did was, I went and posted a meme in a serious channel without knowing. It's been quite a while so if I gave out wrong information I'am sorry. 3.) Why should we unban you?: It was quite a while ago and ive matured more and I'am...
  2. Marcello

    Declined Discord iso

    1.)Discord user:Монки#8358 2.)What happened?: Basically,I was being toxic to somebody in DMS. So after that, I got reported. 3.)Why should we unisolate you?: Because I believe that I have changed and I will not do the same mistake ever again.
  3. Marcello

    Accepted A regrettable mistake that I did in a jailbreak server that iam really sorry for

    Steam profile: 1.)Include your ban profile link: 2.) Tell us what happened, explain the situation in print. Alrighty, so I was in this Jailbreak server as I have been many...
  4. Marcello

    Declined very sorry for what i did and i apologize

    1.) Include your ban profile link: 2.} explanation to what happened and why i got banned: basically psyqrow was freekilling me for many rounds and it got really annoying so i told them to hang themselves but i never...
  5. Marcello

    Declined My appeal for what ive done and how stupid i was not thinking about it before doing it

    1.) Include your ban profile link: 2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned: Psyqrow was freekilling me every now and then, And I got really annoyed so I told them to hang themself. After a time I...
  6. Marcello

    Declined Ban appeal

    So I got banned from wonderland because the guy named iam ded Lied about me freekilling and false slaying he has no prove and he says I spammed calling him a orphan even tho I said it once. I guess iam sorry but he is just mostly lying he has no prove of any of those things my discord LoveSosa#9999
  7. Marcello

    Accepted Banned for racism

    For jokes and I regret it i am truly sorry
  8. Marcello

    Accepted Banned for racism

    So I was playing with some of the boys and then I typed.!chingchong it was a big mistake cuz I didnt mean it in an racist way I wish there was an way to delete messages but I couldn't and iam very sorry to anyone who got offended with it. 1602948997...
  9. Marcello

    Invalid Banned for saying Nigeria

    So lemme start where it began so I said Ni Geria and they say I was baiting the n word which I wasn't even going for? It literally says it in the chat logs
  10. Marcello


    @Santa ping
  11. Marcello

    Declined Someone framed me

    look what i was trying to say is iam mixed my dad is brownskin and the kid was white it was being annoying so i told him to shut up.Iam sorry for what i did i wont do it again can i please have one more chance?
  12. Marcello

    Declined Someone framed me
  13. Marcello

    Declined Someone framed me

    So someone was calling me the n word me and him were the only ones in the server so when new people joined he told them I was being racist and calling him the n word which he was lying about and then I got banned and iam mixed so if I said it it wouldn't be racist so that situation didn't make...