Recent content by Neliel

  1. Neliel

    Accepted Discord ban appeal

    1.) Discord username with discriminator: nthreelly 2.) What happened? same reason as server ban. Read -> 3.) Why should we unban/unisolate you? I have been playing on your servers since I was unbanned peacefully and would like a discord...
  2. Neliel

    Accepted Server Ban Appeal

    Greetings! Requesting a server unban appeal 1.) Include your ban profile link: 2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned: I was banned for causing drama in a private discord server as I understand it. (no rules of that discord server were...
  3. Neliel

    Chad Giveaway

    You said hi and I belive I did the same.
  4. Neliel

    Another nerd giveaway

    Since you’ve said artist, I believe a composer counts as one too. While I listen to many different genres of music, my current favorite artist/composer is actually John Williams. I like the way he modulates his themes very much. As for “art”, I love listening to this one and just close my eyes...
  5. Neliel

    What Do You Think About CS:GO?

    It's unballanced af. Any kid with an AWP can kill even the biggest pro. Am currently sitting at 100h with gold nova 2 wingman. I mostly play wingman cause I don't know all the callouts and if my team mate is trash I can still solo frag. I kinda use the game as an aim trainer, works great for...
  6. Neliel

    GTA 5 is free at the current moment

    I don't have epic, why would i have epic, who has epic, what is epic, how unepic is epic? Can't i just get it on steam D:
  7. Neliel

    GTA 5 is free at the current moment

    Not anymore?
  8. Neliel

    Declined Trade plaza

    Doesn't matter. It's impossible to fix without other issues coming up. You can decline this. EDIT: However, @Coronarena If you do find any solutions in the future, pls do tell. :)
  9. Neliel

    Accepted Corrected discord appeal

    Ah, I see. Thanks for the reply Eight. If you don’t mind, I’d like to bring up a few points in defense of my actions. 1. I was unaware that what I said could be a punishable, yet alone a bannable offense. Especially since what I said doesn’t conflict with any of the written discord rules...
  10. Neliel

    Scorch's Epic Awp Giveaway

    Gold nova II on wingman. Nice AWP!
  11. Neliel

    Star Wars day!!!!!

    May the schwartz be with you!
  12. Neliel

    Accepted Corrected discord appeal

    1.) Discord username with discriminator: N3lly#5467 2.) What happened? No idea... 3.) Why should we unban/unisolate you? I'm sure I'll give you a hella good reason once you tell me why I'm banned in the first place. Thanks for your time <3
  13. Neliel

    Invalid Discord appeal?

    Right, I was either kicked or banned idrc, for I don't really know what reason. So could I now get unbanned. Thanks very much <3
  14. Neliel

    What’s Ur Favorite Brand Of Gaming Tech?

    If I had to only pick one... zowie But I don't, it's never smart to choose from one brand alone.
  15. Neliel

    Howdy I'm new and like turtles

    Hi :kathi2: