Recent content by Noob of Noobs

  1. Noob of Noobs

    Concerns regarding player under the alias "Wack"

    I had recently called admin on this player , just yesterday he was harassing someone through chat and via voice, An admin joined in and both gagged/muted him. Mind you often times when he is on he provokes people and enjoys it. A friend of mine comes...
  2. Noob of Noobs

    Resolved Chat History

    Yes I'm aware of that but I wanted to know if I can be shown his chat history because it is important. 1563316373 I'm aware of the ban, but the controversy happened regarding something he said days after.
  3. Noob of Noobs

    Resolved Chat History

    Recently about a week and a half ago there has been a bit of a controversy regarding what one of my friends has said in a server but he was playing while intoxicated and according to him he has trouble remembering what he had said and another person had been framing him for something wrong he...
  4. Noob of Noobs

    Favourite Marvel character

    Dr. Strange and Deadpool
  5. Noob of Noobs

    Unpopular Opinions Thread

    Honestly loved playing fnaf 1 and 2. Never actually played the ones that came afterward but I have seen gameplay and sister location had its moments.
  6. Noob of Noobs

    Count to One Million

    ∞ th e
  7. Noob of Noobs

    Favorite Jump Map?

    For those of you who are into blast jumping whether if it is for improving or for fun what are some of your favorite jump maps? :blobthinking2: (whether demo or soldier) Mine personally is Jump_academy2
  8. Noob of Noobs

    True or False questions brainstorming

    The iron bomber pills has a 2 second fuse time - False, Iron bomber has 1.4 second fuse time The stock medi gun can heal as fast as a quick fix - True, under the circumstances of crit heals. A spy's hitbox corresponds to what he disguises as - False, his hitbox remains the same The buff banner...
  9. Noob of Noobs

    time to do this

    Welcome, Chobird!
  10. Noob of Noobs

    Unpopular Opinions Thread

    1. Raccoons are adorable 2. Cooking Oil smells disgusting 3. Plastic implants on someone does not look attractive 4. Sushi is amazing
  11. Noob of Noobs

    Rate the music above you

    I don't usually listen to rap or hip hop but i will make this an exception, it's actually pretty good :blobthinking2: 8/10
  12. Noob of Noobs

    Finally joined

    Hello John, make yourself at home :blobnomcookie:
  13. Noob of Noobs

    Favourite TF2 map?

    I love badwater and hightower :D
  14. Noob of Noobs

    Unusual Taunts?

    In a way, unusual taunts are not that valuable in the trading world because they don't sell well. Their prices dropped greatly in the additions of unusualifiers, but there are also a lot of people that like unusual taunts not because of how much they are worth but for they look to combine with a...
  15. Noob of Noobs

    New scam going around?

    So I was messaged by a friend (who I haven't talked to in a while) and approached me with what seemed like a regular conversation but then this bs came up which seemed rather convincing but what some of you may know are fake images of one's profile. Please stay alert from such scams and do not...