Recent content by Ouma ☆

  1. Ouma ☆

    Accepted Oumas ban appeal

    300ping retard was in relation to myself having high ping as demoknight, both retarded comment had no il will I don't remember this one This is the only one where I directed it at someone as an actual insult The demoman part was also in reference to how I only play demoman on blackwonder This...
  2. Ouma ☆

    Accepted Oumas ban appeal

    Can you send an example of this behavior and I will answer a reason to all of the reasons
  3. Ouma ☆

    Accepted Oumas ban appeal

    I was banned for being an immature and overall toxic asshole in 2017 then banned 2months later for ban evading(explained down below) Currently, at the time of me making this post, It has been around 720 days since my permanent ban. My reason for making this post is that most of my friends...