Recent content by sortedfiber

  1. sortedfiber

    Accepted discord unmute

    um because everyone else was going to the server so I asked for a invite in dms and guess what i went to ask about the wln drama thats really it everyone else was doing it but doesn't excuse me 1616618603 also 8 said my appeal will most likely be accepted after the otaku drama has been blown...
  2. sortedfiber

    Accepted discord unmute

    1.) Discord username with discriminator: jordan toad#7954 2.) What happened? i got muted for asking a invite to another discord server 3.) Why should we unban/unisolate you? well in that situation it was more because of drama that was happening and Ill watch what I say next time thanks
  3. sortedfiber


    Where are you from? I am from Jordan born in the land of the free and a lake (toads only) How have you found I found it way back when I was on tf2 and got into jb again and randomly clicked on this server and also that's how I got introduced to Elysium What servers do you play...
  4. sortedfiber

    Birthday Giveaway

    favortite staff: 8 favorite member: dragonfruit