Recent content by superbullman71

  1. superbullman71

    I contest my guardban

    Hi, I got guardbanned for mass freekilling. I contest it. My steam ID is 76561198225979888. I cannot find my guardban on the ban list. So, I was Warden, I was directing the red to a specific player podium in Sweeper. I though I placed the warden here marker ON the podium, but.... I placed it...
  2. superbullman71

    Contesting my guardban

    Hi, I got guardbanned for mass freekilling. I contest it So, I was Warden, I was directing the red to a specific player podium in Sweeper. I though I placed the warden here marker ON the podium, but.... I placed it in reality slightly rightward and forward. I could not see that because I was...