Recent content by The Red Key

  1. The Red Key

    Accepted Guardban Appeal I was guardbanned for 2 hours for "accidental mass freekill" while i appreciate the leniency on the guardban, i would like to request to be unguardbanned. what happened was that i was eating food and moving around and i gave an order...
  2. The Red Key

    Resolved Moderator abuse

    The moderator "ghost" server id: ghosted an answer over guard mute what happened was that i was warden playing true or false in knife pit, and i gave a question "soccer is the smallest elevation change in the map excluding...
  3. The Red Key

    I need staff

    I need a staff member to contact me immediately for a private and sensitive matter on discord The Red Key#0062
  4. The Red Key

    Declined Perma-Ban + Hard-iso appeal

    So recently, I saw that riley got un-iso'd, so i thought i'd try my luck as well. Im not going to include evidence for my isolation as riley has said everything that needed to be said. However I will state that I was in NO WAY related to what was said initially. Also I was told not to talk about...
  5. The Red Key

    Rate the music above you

    10/10 i love the 60's music
  6. The Red Key

    Resolved Completely broken server the strange menu crashes me no matter what number i put in it
  7. The Red Key

    Make a guess about the person above you

    goes recharge rate instead of explosive on gas passer
  8. The Red Key

    Make a guess about the person above you

    secretly into femboys and max :flustered:
  9. The Red Key

    hypernova's thoughts (i guess)

    do me again :)
  10. The Red Key

    Make a guess about the person above you

    still plays undertale
  11. The Red Key

    Rate the music above you

    6/10 anime songs usually arent too good, but this one is pretty alright/
  12. The Red Key


  13. The Red Key

    Resolved a illegal order mass freekill and obviously the pyros gender is unknown