Recent content by Vanz|

  1. Vanz|

    Accepted Pls unban me because i like your map because is minecraft

    pls unban me now my brother is already unban \:sad_blob::sad_blob::sad_blob::sad_blob::sad_blob::sad_blob::sad_blob::sadface::sadface:
  2. Vanz|

    ello guys

    ello guys
  3. Vanz|

    Accepted Pls unban me because i like your map because is minecraft

    I don't even know,I was banned because of Duplicate accounts? VilmentSwift is not my duplicated account It is my friend.
  4. Vanz|

    Accepted Pls unban me because i like your map because is minecraft

    1. 2.I was banned for duplicate account,J was just being AFK after,I was banned. 3.Please unban me because I'm a F2P I need your !wear to make me like a pro.
  5. Vanz|

    Declined pls unban me :(

    1.$$Master$$&advType=name 2.I got banned in using duplicate account. 3.What duplicate account? I don't...