
  1. Gryffen

    How to Soldier?

    I know this is gonna sound pretty stupid, but I don't play Soldier for one very specific reason. I don't know how to rocket jump. And I don't think I can learn. It's just something that I can't do, try as I might. Which suck, because it looks a lot of fun. Should I keep trying, or should I...
  2. Ozzysyn

    TF2 What's your favorite class and why?

    Personally, I like the medic and spy. I mainly mean in the sense of the character, but favorite to play works too!
  3. Noob of Noobs

    Favorite Jump Map?

    For those of you who are into blast jumping whether if it is for improving or for fun what are some of your favorite jump maps? :blobthinking2: (whether demo or soldier) Mine personally is Jump_academy2
  4. PSR Sentrypro

    The original vs the rocket launcher(default)

    The title says it all what would you prefer the original...or...the default rocket launcher? For me I prefer the default rocket launcher...I'm not used to the originals view atm.