Declined Ban appeal

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E. Purple

Sep 4, 2020
Hey there i'm here to appeal a server before you nag at me for not including the profile link here it is. --->
But i'm gonna get straight to the point here I was banned for saying the n word i only did this cause i tried to be a "funny guy" which really isn't good on my part. I have no excuse for what i have done this really all happened because i couldn't keep my big mouth shut. So why should i get my ban revoked? Well iv'e been playing on wonderland for a couple of months and i find its servers to be really fun and enjoyable i wish the fun didn't have to end here cause of something stupid i did. I read the rules a couple more times so situations like these wont happen again the main reason is i fully understand my mistake and have owned up to it. and personally to me as long as the person understands there fault and promises to not do it again they should get another chance ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ .
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