Declined Ginglemort's Appeal

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Apr 23, 2020
(Just in case)

2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned:
The reason states that I threatened to dox a user.

3.) Tell us why we should unban you:
I have absolutely no way of doxing people, I am not well versed in the pulling of IP's. I threatened this user because $$Hun$$Pootis$$(I think was his name) was threatening me with doxing after he freekilled me in JailbreakNY. He was getting on everyone's nerves and he could barely speak English and I was calling him out on it, so he freekilled me before he could give me my LR and spammed MAD in the chat, then left the game. I was banned while offline, so I don't know who did it, but I sincerely apologize to anyone I offended with my threat. I have been playing wonderland for over 2 years officially and have many hours on the JailbreakNY server alone. I am not focusing much on videogames anymore and If this were any other server I would not try to get appealed. I enjoy wonderland too much to not try to get unbanned. I have no proof of the things that $$Hun$$Pootis$$ said to me, but I hope my story checks out.


most inactive staff as of now
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Jun 16, 2018
salt sea of saltiness
Your ban is accurate, as there are indeed logs of you threatening to 'send him his IP'. Regardless of the context, you still have done something that is not tolerated, hence the ban has occurred. I'll have to decline the appeal due to the ban indeed being accurate. You may appeal again in a month if you feel like it was wrong.
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