Declined Hello again

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Top Poster of the Month
Nov 24, 2021
1.) Include your ban profile link, if applicable:

2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned:
I've been banned because of rape threat and previous offenses

3.) Tell us why we should unban you:
I typed !rape synin but IT WAS A JOKE. He is my friend and it was obvious it was a joke. HOW COULD I RAPE THREAT SOMEONE WITH USING "/rape" WHICH ISNT A COMMAND AND IS A JOKE. Sorry i am a little ANGRY right now. Anyway,and with the previous offenses yes i do sometimes swear but only when i am really mad or meme'ing as usual. But i usually say "jk jk" when its really mean so the other person knows that i don't actually mean what i said to them. And i was mostly mad at a tryhard on the other team but even then i didn't say too mean things. Also,i got banned previously for saying "ching chong" as a joke and it was a chinese slur. But someone TODAY said "bing chilling" which should also be a ethnic slur and they don't get banned. But i go and say "/rape (person)" as a joke and get banned for it. I will probably not get unbanned but i don't think i deserve the 3 day ban for the rape threat and the previous offenses.
TL;DR: 3 days ban is too much/unneeded for a "rape threat" which isnt a "rape threat" and some offenses that i don't mean.


just a muffin
Honorary Member ★
Sep 14, 2020
your dad's
You must understand that our servers have people from different backgrounds, it's not just you playing in them and a lot of these people can take offense to that. These comments/remarks can be sent via DMs if you're really friends. Typing it in the chat is considered inappropriate and we do not tolerate them as we would like to create a safe environment for everyone.

Appeal Declined
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