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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Walmart; San Jose, California
A bunch of things that people think are hard or don't know how to do:::
(videos are showing you how to do it in-game)

1. Wildwest Superguide:
  • American ninja warrior
    • First do it how you normally would until you get to the section right before the strafe part
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    • Then jump and strafe the opposite way as seen in the video to skip about 30 seconds of the climb
  • Obby
    • Very simple obby with only two ways to make it easier
    • First on the section with the crushing blocks look up and wait for the blocks to go up before continuing
    • Second on the part with the spinning platform jump in the middle and quickly jump off onto the next block
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  • Mario Kart
    • On all jumps you will want to boost and jump at the same time so that you hit the ramp while jumping to get the most air
    • The second jump is more complicated and can be done many ways but personally I have found jumping on the third bump usually lets me hit the ramp while still in the air
    • The next hard section is the single jump section which can be easily done by just spamming space when you jump onto the island block
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2. Hopjob Obby
  • The first section with the fire can mostly skipped by just jumping across
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  • The section that most people have trouble with is the strafe jump past the water which is preformed by crouch jumping as you hit the ramp and the very slightly strafing to the right
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  • After completing the next section the moving blocks is next and is also probably the hardest section in this obby. These are easily completed by jumping on them about 0.5 seconds before the change direction. The only blocks you have to jump on are the first two, as the third can be skipped just by jumping to the end.
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  • The section with the sentry is just completed by jumping faster than the century can turn around and the vent section is just crouching and moving opposite to the way the air is moving you.
3. Casuarina Wipeout
  • The first part with the pushing blocks is a very complex pattern that I didn't want to memorize so its done by going in-between the pushers and waiting for the block in front of you to go before going to the next space. Sometimes the blocks push twice in a row and that sucks for you.
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  • The next part is done by waiting for one of the blue bars to get right in frond of you and then pushing up against it as the bar doesn't spin you but if you are in the way of one of those blue things you're dead.
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  • The big spinny things are just done by jumping on them instead of trying to time your jumps
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  • The rest is just jumping

Pt2 in next post
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