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Dec 9, 2017
So, Many people around the world love this Italian masterpiece. However, home-made cooking is the best alternate than buying frozen one from the supermarkets and cooking it where you are left with a tough, tasteless dough and toppings.

You can chose your own ingredients. As there are many vegetarians around the world, making your own pizza is safer and more practical than buying it. Same for people who do not consume red meat. Can also avoid certail allergies to certain ingredients.

Control your portions, size and adding custom ingredients.

Fun with your family. I enjoy cooking with my sister (who is a baker and pastry maker). Every time she plans on cooking something big, she always calls me to help or to gain experience.
Cost of travelling

Some ingredients can be unavailable or costly in some countries/shops.

You would make a lot of mess, or sometimes mess up, if it would be your first try cooking.

Here is one of the very simple and cheap recipe that I've ever made. Non of them were copied from the internet, I learnt it from my sis. and all of the words found here were typed.
So, to make your pizzas, you need to know the basics and what do you prefer.
The basic ingredients (In general, not the actual recipe)
Olive Oil
Mozzarella cheese
Seasoning, herbs and spices. (Herbs include basil and oregano)

Step 1: The crust
Some people like it thick and some like it thin. I personally like it thin because you get the taste of the toppings much better.
To make the crust, You will need:
For a thin crust (You will get 2 medium sized pizzas):
1 ½ cups of multi-purpose plain white flour
1 tablespoon of Instant yeast**
2 tea-spoons of sugar
2 tablespoons of olive oil
1 tea-spoon of dried oregano
Salt/pepper according to your taste
1 Cup of Di-hydrogen monoxide (Known as water ;) )

For a thicker crust:
You'll get only 1. To make 2, use 2 cups of flour instead of 1½.
Add more the whole sachet of yeast** (small sachet)
extra ingredients can be added, like cooked chicken... for a better taste

Or you can get a pita bread at the supermarket, if you hate kneading or have the fear of burning the kitchen down.

**You need to know what types of yeast there are. There are fry yeast, Instant yeast and fresh yeast, known as bakers' yeast. Instant yeast is the best. If you buy dried one, yo have to activate it in warm water + sugar and let it rest for 8-12 minutes, until it becomes foamy.

Step 2: The sauce
For the sauce (You do not need to cook or saute the sauce, as the tomato is already soft), you will need
Canned peeled whole tomatoes (Cheaper and better)-2 whole tomatoes from it + 2 tbps of the juice
crushed/minced garlic-add according to taste (use dried if you are uncomfortable with strong raw garlic)
freshly chopped basil-3-4 leaves
freshly chopped oregano
Chinese salt/MSG (optional, to not add if you don't consume it)
2 tsp white sugar
a pinch of dried oregano

Step 3: Making the dough
Well, take a big bowl, and add all the ingredients at once (not the water). Mix it until the oil completely merges with the flour. Then, little by little add the water. make sure that you don't want it to be too soft or hard. If you are using dry yeast, do not add it directly to the dough. (Read the yeast section) Then, transfer the dough for kneading**. add flour until it stops to stick to your hands.Knead it for about 10-12 minutes for a better consistency. Put it in the bowl you used, set aside and keep it in a warm place for at-least 1½-2½ hours (depends on climate and ingredients used) or until the dough has doubled in size.

Step 4: The toppings

Know the required and optional toppings
The most important: the Mozzarella cheese. Shred a block of 200g of cheese with a cheese grater or shredder.
Optional: Parmesan Cheese, Chili flakes (if you like it spice)
Combos: some examples:
Pepperoni, cheddar, garlic powder/sweet paprika powder
Mushroom, onions, cooked chicken (my favorite)
Chicken, pineapple, Ham/Bacon, coconut milk drizzle
Grated carrots, broccoli, some other weird stuffs
Cooked prawns, boiled octopus, fish
Classic Margherita (Another type of mozzarella cheese is used, known as semi soft or "mozzarella fior di latte"), Fresh Basil, Olive oil
Or you can create your own combos, but I recommend not over fill it or use a ton of ingredients. Your choice
If you are using meat products, cook it with some salt and pepper. Otherwise, if you are using veggies, marinate it with some salt, MSG, garlic and some olive oil for better taste.

Step 5: Assembling and Cooking
Preheat your Oven for 10-20 minutes for 150 Degrees Celsius (Or 300 Fahrenheit)

Thin crust: Flatten your dough with a rolling pin and make it very flat. Place it on your baking tray/pan and with the use of a fork, stab it lightly to create holes. This will prevent it to rise in the oven.
Add the sauce with a spoon and drizzle/spray some olive oil. Add the shredded Cheeses (If you are using Parmesan or Cheddar, it goes on before the mozzarella. Don't overfill the dough with cheese. Recommended to leave an extra empty space so that the sauce/cheese falls out and burn on the tray. Add your toppings. Add as little as you can so that it can stick to your cheeses. Sprinkle dried oregano on top and onion/garlic powder (optional, for better taste)

Thick crust: Press the dough with your hands keeping your desired thickness and to remove any excess pockets of air. It does not need to be perfectly round. Lightly make dents with your fingers. Pre-cook the dough on a non stick pan on a medium fire or in the oven at 180 Degree Celsius for a more bread-like dough (Just like pita bread)
Let it cool down, mount the pizza and bake it at 200 Degrees Celsius for 10-15 minutes

A drawing I made for better understanding

Step 6: Ready for Serving
Remove from the oven when the cheese has completely melted and bubbling and when the crust is golden brown and firm. serve with a fresh basil pesto or any condiments of your choice.

TADAAA. The end

Shorter and much more easier recipe:
Make Dough/buy pita bread
Add sauce
Add mozarella
Add olive oil
Add topings
Add 0 grams of pure cocaine
get calories
become fat
spend money on gym
become broke
cry in a corner
sue me
cry again, because you have to pay a lawyer.

If you tried it, Share your experience with some pictures or videos! If you have anything to add or how you like the toppings, or your version, reply in the comment section.

If this post is too long, I will make an easier one later.

You can also share this post on your personal social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, ...) to your family and friends outside the gaming community.
It took me 3 hours to type this. Do not steal or copy-paste it on another page without consent or credit. If you have to share, share the WonderLand link.

Next post: How to wash the dishes
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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