Accepted Today's the day! Fiz discord ban appeal

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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2022
I dont know send help :(
1.) Discord username with discriminator:

2.) What happened?
On jan 22, i had a discussion with a fellow member (riley) about my hipocresy, i for some reason did not take it the polite and good way and i got angry, started just insulting riley and fellow members, (i sadly dont have more screenshots, but this kinda explains how it went down.)1645505043236 this caused me and riley getting isolated for toxicity + provoking

3.) Why should we unban/unisolate you?
I truly regret what happend, in this month my anger issues are basically gone, me and riley kinda became friends and i started to like the guy again, and i regret a lot reacting like a 5 year old to honesty and reality, while i am aware before i was isolated i had a bad history, but i've improved by talking to kath (ex-mod) in isolation, i've felt a lot better and mature, and even mann of security (shotout to him) has noticed that i've improved, if the situation ever happend again, i'd just go away, as i repeat, i do not plan on being in that situation again, it was my fault and riley's, but i apologized to him, and now im asking for a second chance here
Have a good day/afternoon/night whoever is reading this :katlove2:


Honorary Member ★
Jan 18, 2020
Hello Fiz. It's been an exact month since you got isolated for being toxic and provoking users. I am willing to give you a chance. If we see you doing the same actions as the incident, your isolate will be unappealable, understand?
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