Nixx's Thoughts 2.0


★ Donor ★
Sep 9, 2017
Bringing back the trend! Just comment below and I'll provide my thoughts on you. Below is what you should expect to be said about you.

  • First impressions
  • Current impressions

  • What I like about you
  • What I don't like about you
This'll be brutally honest BUT don't worry! I focus more on honesty than brutality :)


★ Donor ★
Sep 9, 2017
Keeeeek!! Nice to see you wanting to participate in this.

First impressions: One of the earlier memories I can judge you based off of is back when we'd chill in VC with like 6 other people including Bappo doing some ungodly shit. One the times where I used to laugh a fuck ton at some of the stupid shit you did.
Current impressions: You hold your streak of immaturity, in a funny and positive way, with me which refreshing to see. It's a rare sight to see you being serious but that only means you when to be serious. Still, immaturity dominates overall.

What I like about you: You have a good sense of humor and can make others laugh, but not at the expense of hurting anyone’s feelings. You make sure that you're fully aware that the other party is fully on-board with whatever joke/stunt you're going to make before you pull it off.

What I don't like about you: I'm not exactly sure how to describe this one but sometimes it feels as though you're too careless or lazy, maybe it's me misinterpreting for you being outgoing? I'm not sure myself.
  • Wow
Reactions: drunkle


★ Donor ★
Sep 9, 2017
I've been meaning to avoid this one but seems like it's not an option for me! Let's do this.

First impressions: When I first saw you, you went by the name of Alex Starther. Back then, a lot of rumors were circulating around you and a terrible rep for you. Personally, I've seen some go down and some not but overall, it placed a bad rep for your name that pulled me away from getting to know you. Whenever we did interact in private, I was met with passive aggressive remarks that I was too naive to notice. Now that I do notice it, it's safe to say that back then you were rude.

Current impressions: I don't see you a lot nowadays. You're not as active as you used to be but when I do see you, it's refreshing to see your personality isn't revolving around deception to get your way anymore. I can't judge you based off of how little I saw you but from what I've seen, it seems you've grown out of it.

What I like about you: Your quality of determination is something that I've had the pleasure of shadowing. It was admirable to say the least to watch you strive forward to get what you want.

What I don't like about you: I think it's obvious by now that I don't enjoy the two-face that I was shown in the past, seeming friendly in the discord server but turning out to be, for lack of better words, a total dickhead.

Hope you enjoyed reading this!


★ Donor ★
Sep 9, 2017
Good God, we've got four people. Alright let's start this off with Mitch!

First impressions: I remember when we first met, apparently, you've known me for at least long enough to say hi first. It became apparent to me that you're a regular and you immediately stood out as the non-confrontational kind and the person to stay outta trouble. For some of our time spent together, sometimes you came across a pushover but that's overshadowed severely by how nice you are.

Current impressions: Tender-hearted seems to be a reoccurring theme no matter how much time passes. I'd think if something happens which causes you to "be pissed" it'd be one hell of a news for me, and safe to say a lot of people for that matter. My thoughts on you being a pushover stay but now I'm also adding "bloodthirsty" to the mix (Refer to that one time lmao). All n' all fun person to be around!

What I like about you: I like your sentimental nature and ability stay cool and collected at any situation, more so I enjoy that you even avoid a situation which may lead to a need to be aggressive. It's certainly one hell of an admirable feature that I'd keep close to me if I were you.

What I don't like about you: This one literally took me the longest to think about but for the life of me, I can't come up with something about you to dislike. I think it's safe to say, there's nothing that I dislike about you, but I promise to run to you with a ping along with what I've disliked should the day come by :)
Post automatically merged:

Drunkle!!!!!! I have some good news and not the bestest kinda news!

Not the bestest kinda news: I literally know nothing about you. I don't believe we've met, if we have then it wasn't long enough for me to know you properly.

Good news!!: The good news is that... I have nothing bad to say about you AND CONGRATULATIONS! You have just received your attention! You are now the most important person in the world! Everyone wants to hear what you have to say! Everyone wants to be your friend! Everyone wants to give you compliments and praise! You are awesome! You are amazing! You are the best! Enjoy your attention, because you deserve it!
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★ Donor ★
Honorary Member ★
Aug 12, 2022
Good God, we've got four people. Alright let's start this off with Mitch!

First impressions: I remember when we first met, apparently, you've known me for at least long enough to say hi first. It became apparent to me that you're a regular and you immediately stood out as the non-confrontational kind and the person to stay outta trouble. For some of our time spent together, sometimes you came across a pushover but that's overshadowed severely by how nice you are.

Current impressions: Tender-hearted seems to be a reoccurring theme no matter how much time passes. I'd think if something happens which causes you to "be pissed" it'd be one hell of a news for me, and safe to say a lot of people for that matter. My thoughts on you being a pushover stay but now I'm also adding "bloodthirsty" to the mix (Refer to that one time lmao). All n' all fun person to be around!

What I like about you: I like your sentimental nature and ability stay cool and collected at any situation, more so I enjoy that you even avoid a situation which may lead to a need to be aggressive. It's certainly one hell of an admirable feature that I'd keep close to me if I were you.

What I don't like about you: This one literally took me the longest to think about but for the life of me, I can't come up with something about you to dislike. I think it's safe to say, there's nothing that I dislike about you, but I promise to run to you with a ping along with what I've disliked should the day come by :)
Post automatically merged:

Drunkle!!!!!! I have some good news and not the bestest kinda news!

Not the bestest kinda news: I literally know nothing about you. I don't believe we've met, if we have then it wasn't long enough for me to know you properly.

Good news!!: The good news is that... I have nothing bad to say about you AND CONGRATULATIONS! You have just received your attention! You are now the most important person in the world! Everyone wants to hear what you have to say! Everyone wants to be your friend! Everyone wants to give you compliments and praise! You are awesome! You are amazing! You are the best! Enjoy your attention, because you deserve it!