The dishes, To wash or not to wash? (How to)


★ Donor ★
Dec 9, 2017
So, everybody hates to do the dishes. After eating drinking or preparing food and beverages, you are left with a stockpile of dishes, kitchen tools and items. But sometimes, you need to lay off your PC and get to help someone in the house. Also, there are many people who do not have a mother/elder being, and yet, they know how to do the dishes. Here's a little guide how to wash your kitchen utensils, WITHOUT a dish-washing machine OR a house-maid.

So, step 1- Knowing your kitchen sink and materials.
You need to know how large is your sink, how the water flows from your tap, where to put your recently washed items, dish-racks and items you will need.

Things that you will need:
Dish-wash (liquid soap/scrub/soap-bar)
A container to poor out the soap in, if you are using liquid or powdered soap.
Rubber/plastic/vinyl gloves
A nice dry and clean kitchen sponge
Kitchen brush
A cardboard sheet
An Apron/waterproof smock
A clean cloth, to wipe excess water
A large dry clean and simple table-cloth
And a good music in the background (Trust me, it works really great)

Step 2- Safety and precautions.
If you are allergic to Dihydrogen monoxide(water ( ° ͜ʖ °) ) or any type dishwasher soap, wear gloves. Place a cardboard sheet on the ground in case if the water splashes a lot. Before-hand, put a filter (Like an old tea strainer like I use) on the hole to prevent solids to pass through the sink outlet and obstruct the pipes if your sink does not have a strainer basket.

Step 3, the most important!- Sorting out the utensils
Firstly, you take all the large items (like casseroles, pans, baking dishes, your cat...) out of the sink and place it on the side area. Then gently take out all plates and rack them up, and the saucers go on top. Next, comes the bowls, take the biggest one first and fill it with smaller ones or rack them up. Then, take a mug or a glass (or any type of plastic basket) and put all the spoons, knives, chopsticks, forks, etc... in the mugs/glasses. Doing this will allow you to drain the excess water and unblock the sink outlet. Keep the mugs and glasses on the same side or in a large vessel to prevent them from falling over, roll over, fall down, crash it and hear your mama shouting "What the f**k was that? What the hell is wrong with you, you had one job. Break everything!..." well, I apologize for this bad joke

Step 4- Washing the items.
Make sure that the sink is empty or if it is a double sink type, use the other side. Turn on the water tap (to medium-to-low speed, or whatever it is) , gently rinse and food material and pour it out on the strainer/filter using water. Rub your hands or a brush on the dishes if the food got stuck on it. Take your sponge, wet it, drain excess water by pressing it with your palm and fingers and dip the tip in the soap (or as you like it). Wash your large items first. Rub the inside and the outside with the sponge and do not miss any corners or areas. Rinse off the soap under the running water by constantly rubbing the utensil with your hands. Then set it aside, upside down on a dry tablecloth to let gravity do the work (drain excess water).
Do the same with: The bowls, the glasses and mugs, the cutlery (Spoon, fork, knife, chopsticks), the last mug and the plates/saucers.

Step 5- The finish.
Remove the filter and throw away the wastes and let the water drain out if it got blocked. Wash off any soap or any other wastes and keep your washing station clean. Wash and press all the water and soap out of the sponge and set it aside to dry. This will prevent bacteria and cross-contamination. Replace after 3-4 uses.
Take the cloth and wipe all any excess water from the utensils that can get damaged with water. Set all the utensils in a well ventilated area before installing them on their proper racks or storage. And if in case if you mess up, feel lazy and want things done quicker, buy yourself an electronic Dishwasher.

Note: This whole thread was typed by Reckless Flute Guy. It is original and was not copied from other sources (except for some words and terms that I had to google). Do not attempt to steal it or sharing it on other websites without giving credits. You may share this post to your social media (Wonderland Link). Ignore any grammatical errors or misspellings

If you like my posts, I will post many threads like this. I have also decided that I will make my own blog with a paid blogger or make E-books (not only for tutorials). Tell me if you like this idea down below.


Honorary Member ★
Apr 15, 2020
Dang. All I do is rinse everything that can go in the dishwasher, put it in the dishwasher, then wash everything else with a sponge. I always do the dishwashees first and then the rest in whatever order.


★ Donor ★
Feb 22, 2020
Funny thing is I put the stuff in the dishwasher and just pour water on the dish before putting it in.
I will take this into consideration, and use some of these tips & tricks. Thank you so much for posting this!