Where's Snipers_? Who's Snipers_? What happened to Snipers_? (An informant, my message and update)


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2021
Hello, my name is Snipers_ or if you've been in the community long enough (Maders_, GodMode, Atomized, −b±√b²−4ac/2a, Birthdays_, Gamers_, all reds, all blus, everyone, Saders_, and many more other names. I'd like to say that this is the story from me starting and my over ban in a pretty in-depth feature. Each paragraph will have a different heading to keep it clean so scroll if you already know something, and thank your staff for letting me at least on the forums again.

A start: I started my rise in Jailbreak about 2 years ago; with no microphone, it was easy to make friends and start my reputation clean. Everyone liked me until I got a working microphone. I'll assume you guys know who Poopy Joe is; I use to hate him for his bad orders and also told him advice on how to improve. However, I started to see why he did what he did and followed (still at this time I was not using my mic because it was high pitched and I didn't want to ruin my overall rep and the "cool" player.

The Mixed Emotions: This is when I got the courage after trolling and faking mic reveal dates, I used it; and everyone was ok with it until a week later I started to do Sweeper, Obby, Cell wars, and other games that are deemed "lame" because I wanted to embrace Poopy Joe's life while he was asleep (we have different bedtimes). After this I picked up the idea of Nuke day: A day that consists of hard orders and is designed to make the reds not hear clearly and die easily due to this confusion. Poopy Joe loved it and I loved it. Soon than ever Poopy Joe introduced me to Jimmy, and then wipeout followed along. (There were more players involved in this section, however, they just followed me and did not agree with me and sometimes helped me via doing nuke, apoc, or minigames I asked.)

A reign: In short; Nuke day become Apocalypse day, Apocalypse day became a lot of illegals days, etc... I started to do Sweeper jump podium to podium backward while doing 360s, Obby facing backward with collisions, crouching in crush game, and cell wars every time I got it. And at the same time, I'd make sure that Poopy, Jimmy, or Wipeout got LR or won the hard challenge to narrow it down and do something they are good at. I also began MFK, MFH, and denying lrs along with illegal FF. This is where I started to get into some trouble. I'd be guard banned after muted after banned after Isolated just for these allegations; and hate was turning extreme with death threats, weird comments, general hate, and more I can't even describe. With more hate, I'd influence more days and hard orders. With more days and hard orders, I provoked more and was annoying every day, but mods could do nothing because there was no solid ground besides provoking (a general muteable offense.

The end: On October 10th, 2021 I got banned from the forums, discord, and every wonderland-associated TF2 Server. It was a shock to mainly everyone and a relief. This is where I started to feel lost and mad for my actions because it was now officially declared I was an infamous character (Something I never wanted to be in life.

My words: You may have read everything and were like: "Why would I feel sorry for this guy? He seems like a no life let's keep him banned and I hope Poopy and his friends get it too." I can agree, but hear me out. Most of my appeal states my apologies that I wanted to be sincere, but I'd like to say that with the same mindset with Poopy and Jimmy and wipeout it'll be a challenge for me to remove a lifestyle I had for a long time. Poopy Joe will still be Poopy Joe, Wipeout will still be a follower and Jimmy will still be the innocent. However, I will no longer be the leader. After I sat down at revised myself, I was the person getting blamed everyone time Poopy or Jimmy screwed up. I will make sure that this will no longer happen and I'll make sure they're not in trouble as well. Also, I'll do more research before blaming mods even though it was my fault, and I'll stop making pointless arguments. I'd like to also say I will continue to do my hard days and orders, but with proper wording and pacing.

Update: Currently I have changed astronomically. I started sports for the first time, I made an A+ on all my finals for the first time, and I've made more friends than enjoy myself for the first time. Including, that I've gotten more muscle. Ever since I left Jailbreak I've gotten way better at life. However, with this in mind; it's the summer and I'll have nothing to do without Jailbreak and I need something to do. People miss me, I miss them, the game misses me.

My main goal: The whole point of this thread wasn't to make a wacky sad story and a cringe timeline; the whole point was to explain where I came from and who I am now. This would allow you to answer this question I've been wanting to ask for a while: If I was unbanned, would you accept me back into the community?

Captain Glenavon

Honorary Member ★
May 27, 2020
I remember you like it was yesterday, honestly. I hated playing with you and whenever I had the misfortune of being on red team while you were warden. But tbh, I'm a very forgiving person, so I'm happy to see you back at the same time and I'm glad you've bettered yourself.:kathi2:


Honorary Member ★
Nov 19, 2019
My short answer is I wouldn't.
I personally understand the longing to come back to a community with a reset reputation, however, your repugnance to following the standard 'warden' play is what makes this community what it's known for in JB. I know it sounds nothing short of crazy to claim such, but your way of warden'ing was the contradiction of what regular players would want or at least be tolerant to. You're admission in the latter part of the "My Words-" discloses that you would be returning with the intent to continue such a thing. It seems the reason you ceased apocalypse day or Maders says, etc; is from staff invalidating it and with it being effectively soft-banned on wln servers. However, with your intent to continue such and just find a loophole or just a more concise/proper way of making a hard day it seems that you still wish for the same effects, except legitimatized.
To an average player, staff accusations, toxicity in discord and forums, and conspiracy with troublemakers to make a hard day wouldn't affect them all that too much.
However, when the effects you're having on a regular jb player are the exact same if not worse for the players in the servers, except legalized, it makes much worse.
This is the last thing I would want for this community; a bit off-topic, however, I find your deflection of the blame of " After I sat down (and) revised myself, I was the person getting blamed everyone time Poopy or Jimmy screwed up-" sorta missing the point. Those others are entirely individuals that have responsibilities over their own actions and in turn accountability, I find it odd someone would blame YOU for their mess up.
I wouldn't, myself want you back, as you constantly harm the joy of other players and are in turn selfish for your own by doing so. I didn't make this clear, however, I do indeed like your accountability for some of your actions, but the way you did that was sometimes misleading, like the example listed above. Be better.

The whole point of this thread wasn't to make a wacky sad story and a cringe timeline;
bro it totally was, just like read this line lmao:
"I made an A+ on all my finals for the first time, and I've made more friends than enjoy myself for the first time. Including, that I've gotten more muscle(!)"


Some jailbreak guy
Honorary Member ★
Jul 13, 2019
Its hard to for people to get accepted back when they have a bad past and they are trying to change, really all we can do is wait and see how you end up being. Its very easy for people to go back to the way they have been since its how they always have been.
(also this was a timeline btw, really all you needed to say was that you were infamous because of the impossible orders/favoritism you have done.)
So yes IF you change and IF you don't cause any problems then yeah I would personally.
Post automatically merged:



Jan 24, 2021
and then wipeout followed along
Obby facing backward with collisions, crouching in crush game, and cell wars every time I got it. And at the same time, I'd make sure that Poopy, Jimmy, or Wipeout got LR or won the hard challenge to narrow it down and do something they are good at.
Most of my appeal states my apologies that I wanted to be sincere, but I'd like to say that with the same mindset with Poopy and Jimmy and wipeout it'll be a challenge for me to remove a lifestyle I had for a long time. Poopy Joe will still be Poopy Joe, Wipeout will still be a follower and Jimmy will still be the innocent.
If I was unbanned, would you accept me back into the community?
Scrolling through old threads I found this. Reminding me of so many things, Looking back now, All 4 of us, jimmy, me, snipers and joe were VERY immature and just annoying people. I didnt know any better, provoking people. However, these orders are now possible today. Jailbreak has evolved, people are more skilled than before, which made me realize: People only complain when they die, yelling freekill, when they cant follow the order. I would want you back but in general you still need to mature. Your forums account isnt banned and you can view what is going on now. Thank you for all the good memories :)