Recent content by Fiorg

  1. Fiorg

    Declined I got banned for a dupe account (again)

    1.) Include your ban profile link: 2.) I got banned once again for having a duplicate account and I feel like this is going to keep on happening 3.) you should unban me because this happened 2 days ago when my appeal for this exact thing was...
  2. Fiorg

    Declined banned for a dupe account (with extra clarifications)

    1.) Include your ban profile link: 2.) I was banned for having a duplicate account which I never created 3.) I should be unbanned because I never created another account besides this and I never created an alt and I miss playing on wonderland...
  3. Fiorg

    Invalid banned for a dupe account(clarification)

    1.) Include your ban profile link: 2.) Explain what happened / why you were banned:I was banned again for a duplicate account for the second time 3.) Tell us why we should unban you: you should unban me because I miss playing wonderland and I...
  4. Fiorg

    Declined i got banned again for a non existant dupe account

    I don't think I would have a program that would effect my IP in a way and I access the internet through a router and when I looked through my default gate way I couldn't find a ISP
  5. Fiorg

    Declined i got banned again for a non existant dupe account

    1.I live in New York 2.what specific types of softwares or progams cause I don't think I do 3.i don't have a ISP
  6. Fiorg

    Declined i got banned again for a non existant dupe account

    I don't know what a vpn is and I don't have one and I have no idea whats going on I don't use vpn and this is my only account 1578951672 I wrote on the last appeal that I didn't have a vpn
  7. Fiorg

    Declined i got banned again for a non existant dupe account

    1.) Include your ban profile link: Explain what happened/ what lead to your ban: i got banned again for a non existant duplicate account which I never had3.) Tell us why we should unban you: you should unban me because I don't have a...
  8. Fiorg

    Accepted i was banned for a dupe account even though i dont have one

    I don't have a account in panama I don't go to panama and I don't live there I think the ips just got mixed up 1578699514 and the us one was my old account but I forgot the password to it so I don't use it
  9. Fiorg

    Accepted i was banned for a dupe account even though i dont have one

    I know the first account but I abandoned that account cause I forgot the pass word the other one I have no idea what that is that's not any of my accounts and no I don't use vpn or proxy
  10. Fiorg

    Accepted i was banned for a dupe account even though i dont have one

    Include your profile ban link: explain what happened/why you have been banned: i was banned for having a non existant dupe account which i dont have i just changed my name and i got banned and before i changed my name i had a ban on that...