Declined appeal please read

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1.) Include your ban profile link, if applicable:

2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned:
So playing Team fortress 2 the 2fort no intel server. Very nice community and very nice people. Being completely honest I was not thinking right and just being stupid while being intoxicated while playing on that server my fault. While playing I hear this guy on his mic just saying "rape that scout" over and over and I thought yea what if I say "rape him" in a sarcastic form of tone. After sending that message 3 minutes later I realized that I made a huge mistake sending that. I was feeling like an idiot typing that out. I personally regret sending that message I starting thinking how will I spend time with my friends. Soon as I saw the ban message on my screen I felt sad. I could not play on one of my favorite servers with the people that I like to hang out with.

3.) Tell us why we should unban you:
We all make mistakes and my mistake just made me upset that I cant play with this nice community anymore. Yes I should receive a punishment but I don't think a perm banned would be the solution.

P.S- Someone who saw this happen was Boge his user is here and he told me to say he was a good boy im sorry....
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