Accepted ban appeal request

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1.) Include your ban profile link:

2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned:
as of memory around 9-8 months ago i was permanetly banned from wonderland because i joked about ddosing a person, however i admit i didnt have a clue on how to do it nor was it a threat, i thought of it as a joke and i think a moderator took it seriously and got me banned due to that.

3.) Tell us why we should unban you:
the main reason is i suggest that it was a joke people didnt understand, however on the other side i understand you guys wanting to protect your community i will try to not joke about ddosing people or personally threatening them like getting their ip ddosing ect


Honorary Member ★
Nov 19, 2019
Hiya, after looking into your appeal I'm willing to lift your ban, just understand that "joke" or not we take this very seriously in regards to comments like those.

Appeal Accepted.
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