College :(


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Sep 29, 2019
Just wanted to give an update, to those that are curious.

Those that play Jb know that I've been online way less than I used to be, so here's why: I've been moving and also been in college at the same time (talk about a shit combo). The move went great, despite being to a different state, but it consumed much of my time and now I'm also stuck using my shit laptop for a few weeks. College has also been a pain in the ass, my classes feel like a drag and bore me out of my mind; the work is also pilling up, with due dates overlapping. While I'm not getting online as often as I'd like, I plan to power through most of my school work as fast as I can and play more Jb, because I miss you guys. But it's not all sad, this has taught me a valuable lesson: don't do the summer semester for college, it will ruin your motivation. But for real, the summer semester is a great help in adjusting to college and I recommend it to those that think of going to college (it's also easier to get accepted to the school as opposed to fall). That's it for the update.

See you guys soon and remember, "It's Time to Purge."