Accepted Uniso appeal.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2018
1.) Discord username with discriminator:

2.) What happened?
I posted a gif that, contained the words "child" and "predator".

3.) Why should we unban/unisolate you?
To my knowledge and understanding of the rules written on the discord, while the gif I posted might've been in bad taste, was not against the rules. Especially after seeing different members of the discord telling each other to "kys", and not get a warning or otherwise.

When I had last been on the discord server, gifs like the one I posted were allowed, and seeing that the written rules of the discord had not changed since I was last on the server, I incorrectly assumed that the rules regarding jokes that can be seen as offensive or crude, were still allowed.

While I had been informed that the general atmosphere of the server had changed, and some grey areas had been disallowed, I assumed that while my gif might've caused issues with certain people, was still acceptable to post, as it was directed towards a long time friend who understood that it was merely a joke.

And while I am aware that my history with WLN is infamous at best, I was of the understanding that I'd be served with a warning prior to a permanent isolation over something that I view as mediocre joke.

Should the question arise as to how I regained access to the discord server to begin with, I was only recently unbanned by xypher.
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