What is your Favorite Japanese Anime(s) and (a) Character(s)/Moment(s)/Music form It/Them?


★ Donor ★
Dec 9, 2017
I've seen many Wonderland members who have many anime-like profile pictures and signatures, so I guessed, Many here like Manga or Anime. Well, since it is a general topic, let me share mine!

My favorite anime: Naruto/Naruto Shippuden
Favorite Characters: Hinata Hyuga, Jiraya, Itachi
Favorite Op: Flow by Sign
Favorite Soundtracks: Despair/Senya (Itachi's Theme)

Favorite moment: Where the kids try to know the face of Kakashi (In both sequels)

Well, you can also reply for your favorite Japanese animated series on this Thread and see how many members have common interests!



=WL= DeadlyJustice

Honorary Member ★
Aug 3, 2017
United Kingdom
Favourite Anime : One Piece
Favourite character/characters : Luffy, Nami, Sanji, Sanji's Sister Reiju (Who I believe may only appear in the Whole Cake Island arc not sure yet as the Anime episodes are behind the manga)
Favourite Op: All and any of the One Piece arcs as they are all awesome.
Favourite Soundtrack: The One Piece Whole Cake Island arc intro music called Hope.
Favourite Moment: As of this moment considering it will probably get changed very quickly (as the current arc is getting quite exciting) I'd say when
The dramatic fight between Big Mom and Brook even though he lost his determination and the skill presented was amazing along with the fact that we get to learn in full manner about her fighting style, about the souls of Zeus, Prometheus and Napoleon being Big Mom's herself and how her skin is tough as hell
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★ Donor ★
Honorary Member ★
Nov 5, 2017
favorite anime: Danganronpa 3 and the franchise as a whole (half of the franchise is visual novel but it still counts imo since it got 3 anime's plus OVA's)
Favourite character: luluco from space patrol luluco
Favourite Op: kami iro Awase (do NOT watch this op if you want to get into danganronpa, it has massive spoilers for the first 2 games + anime)
Favorite soundtack: really love Mirai nikki's soundtrack
Favourite moment:
the end of the anime where nagisa kills korosensei
Mar 24, 2020
My favorite anime: S.D.S, S.A.O, and No Game No Life & No Game No Life 0.
Favorite Characters:Melonas, Elizabeth, Kazuto, Ausuna, Shuvi, Riku, and Izuna.
Favorite Op: Litteraly most of the parts of S.A.O.
Favorite Soundtracks: The Game (Intro of N.G.N.L.) Crossing Fields & Dream Field (Both Intro's for S.A.O)
Favorite moment:In S.A.O when the last episode is fighting between the leader of the Blood Knights, and Kirito (Kazuto)
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