Invalid what kind? a bananappeal?


Jun 26, 2022
i don’t really care if i get appealed, i can sit out the wait but i just want to make my intent clear
1.) Include your ban profile link, if applicable:
i think my steam account is already linked to my wonderland account, if not lmk

2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned:
the reason said “transphobia” so i assume it was cuz someone said “trans rights” to which i replied “trans wrongs”

3.) Tell us why we should unban you:
i can wait, but i want it to be understood that i didn’t know that was actually offensive/transphobic. i’d seen it said before, but i always assumed it was just a kind of innocent, funny reply. i checked with my boyfriend (trans) afterwards to determine whether it was actually offensive or not, and he said it was. i wanna apologize to anyone who might’ve found that offensive, and i hope you understand where i’m coming from here