When did you start playing Jailbreak and why? Any specific server? What was it like back then, and what has changed?


★ Donor ★
Honorary Member ★
Sep 26, 2020
Personally I started about 6 years ago on a server called MN Gaming. Guards had 100% crits all the time, donor perks were absolutely insane (Switching class mid round, making yourself smaller at any time, etc). But I met someone I'm still friends with today on there, and learned almost everything I know now on that server. Servers tend to be a lot more balanced now, which is obviously a good thing.


★ Donor ★
Jan 1, 2020
One year ago because at that moment, I began recognising what jailbreak was and started playing additional frequently alongside great friends such as TK and Smug rebellion on the servers and It's sufficient to leave the past behind than recap back through since it's not re-doable and for me, it remains not demanded to bring behind what we have achieved because the future is ahead and the past has happened previously.

Rainbow Demon

★ Donor ★
Sep 19, 2019
Rainbow Hell
Well I started to play Jailbreak 2 years ago. I don't remember what server was it but I know that WL servers are better.
I started playing it because I was interested about it so I decided to look on it and it's rly fun but sometimes the guards and wardens are jerks :( For now I play on WL mario Jailbreak server but Idk what was changed there :)


just a muffin
Honorary Member ★
Sep 14, 2020
your dad's
I started playing jailbreak 6 years ago, I was 12 at the time, first jailbreak community I joined was Jack of Design Community (JODC) which got renamed to Dynamic Fortress (DYNF) and it gave me soo many memories, I made two IRL friends then, still friends with some of the players, I was a moderator until it got shut down in 2016. It was 100 percent crits which was a lot of fun, the maps were more diverse than wln.tf although there were really only Casuarina, Chritien, HopJb, and some other maps that map devs in the community made, but everyone was less toxic back then and it was a game mode I really enjoyed. All the blus have mics and almost all of them have a general knowledge of what the rules are. I'm still pretty bummed that people there no longer plays games as they probably have kids at this point, but the memories will last for a long time.

Also the map jb_minecraft_dynf was made by this community, I remember vividly the dodgeball wasn't there, it was just a sealed off area, the box game was broken, and I think bowling wasn't even a thing then.

Smug Rebellion

Master Rebeller
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Honorary Member ★
Apr 7, 2020
Inside the Cells of Jailbreak
I am an old school player surprisingly. I started playing back in 2017 which was around 2 years after wonderland was created I believe. Everything was so different back than like the rules and how everyone played overall. Generally, there weren’t a lot of maps out at the time of playing so you would normally have the usual server of around 10-20 people or so. I remember back when I played I made a friend on the server who eventually became a mod I can’t remember who but, it was cool seeing that. But, than I took a break from the computer for about a year and came back to tf2 but, not Jb specifically because I wanted to play other games. Than I returned from the break and played Jb a lot after that and soon applied for admin and didn’t give up until I got it and than I got the position. Overall, that’s how I returned to the servers and how everything changed so much since I first played.


Honorary Member ★
Apr 15, 2020
I think 2 years ago, I just stumbled across jailbreak, tried it, had fun, and favorited it. From then on, I would play on it when I could. However, I guess I just forgot about it for about a year and didn't play. Then quarantine came up and I revisited it. Here we are now.